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发布日期:2021-11-16 作者: 来源: 点击:









肖光辉,博士,教授,中国科协“青年人才托举工程”、国家人力资源和社会保障部“香江学者”、陕西省普通高校“青年杰出人才”和陕西省科协“青年人才托举工程”获得者。2010年获吉林大学理学学士学位,2015年获北京大学理学博士学位。2016年1月任买球平台官方网站副教授。2020年1月任买球平台官方网站教授。肖光辉博士主要研究方向包括棉纤维细胞发育的分子机制研究及根向重力生长研究。近年来,在国家自然科学基金、科技部、陕西省科技厅的支持下,在《Nature Biotechnology》、《Nature Genetics》、《Nature Communications》、《Molecular Plant》、《Trends in Plant Science》《New Phytologist》、《Plant Biotechnology Journal》等著名学术刊物发表SCI研究论文35篇,其中影响因子大于10的研究论文7篇,第一作者论文8篇,通讯作者论文19篇,高被引论文2篇。发表论文影响因子累计达313,论文被引用1555次,其中单篇最高引用729次。主持国家自然科学基金面上和青年项目、陕西省自然科学基金青年项目、陕西省博士后项目(一等资助)各1项、主持国家重点实验室项目5项、中央高校基本业务费4项、参与国家自然科学基金委重大研究计划重点项目、科技部973项目各1项。以第一完成人身份获得陕西省教育厅科学技术一等奖1项。




















10.中央高校基本科研业务费,肌醇代谢途径调控棉纤维伸长的分子机制研究, GK201803041,7万,2018/01-2019/12,已结题,主持。









1. Li, F†., Fan, G†., Lu, C†., Xiao, G.H†., Zou, C†., Kohel, R.J†., Ma, Z†., Shang, H†., Ma, X†., Wu, J†., Liang, X†., Huang, G., Percy, R.G., Liu, K., Yang, W., Chen, W., Du, X., Shi, C., Yuan, Y., Ye, W., Liu, X., Zhang, X., Liu, W., Wei, H., Wei, S., Huang, G., Zhang, X., Zhu, S., Zhang, H., Sun, F., Wang, S., Liang, J., Wang, J., He, Q., Huang, L., Wang, J., Cui, J., Song, G., Wang, K., Xu, X., Yu, J.Z*., Zhu, Y*., Yu, S*. Genome sequence of cultivated Upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum TM-1) provides insights into genome evolution. Nature Biotechnology. (2015). 33: 524-530. (SCI: 1区,IF: 54.908).

2. Zhang, Y.Z†., Xiao, G.H†., Wang, X., Zhang, X.X., Friml, J*. Evolution of fast root gravitropism in seed plants. Nature Communications. (2019). doi.org/10.1038/s41467-019-11471-8. (SCI: 1区,IF: 14.919) highlight by F1000.

3. Zhang, Y†., He, P†., Ma, X.F†., Yang, Z.R., Pang, C.Y., Yu, J.N., Friml, J., Wang, G.D., Xiao, G.H*. Auxin-mediated statolith production for root gravitropism. New Phytologist. (2019). 224: 761-774. (SCI: 1区,IF: 10.151).

4. He, P†., Xiao, G.H†., Liu, H., Zhang, L., Zhao, L., Tang, M., Huang, S., An, Y., Yu, J*. Two pivotal RNA editing sites in the mitochondrial atp1 mRNA are required for ATP synthase to produce sufficient ATP for cotton fiber cell elongation. New Phytologist. (2018). 218: 167-182. (SCI: 1区,IF: 10.151).

5. He, P†., Zhang, Y.Z†., Li, H.B†., Fu, X., Shang, H.H., Zou, C.S., Friml, J., Xiao, G.H*. GhARF16-1 modulates leaf development by transcriptionally regulating the GhKNOX2-1 gene in cotton. Plant Biotechnology Journal. (2021). 19:548-562. (SCI: 1区,IF: 9.803).

6. Ma, X†., Wang, Z†., Li, W†., Zhang, Y†., Zhou, X., Liu, Y., Ren, Z., Pei, X., Zhou, K., Zhang, W., He, K., Zhang, F., Liu, J., Ma, W., Xiao, G.H*., Yang, D*. Resequencing core accessions of a pedigree identifies derivation of genomic segments and key agronomic trait loci during cotton improvement. Plant Biotechnology Journal. (2018). 17: 762-775. (SCI: 1区,IF: 9.803).

7. Xiao, G.H†., Wang, K., Huang, G., Zhu, Y*. Genome-scale analysis of the cotton KCS gene family revealed a binary mode of action for gibberellin A regulated fiber growth. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology. (2016). 58: 577-589. (SCI: 1区,IF: 7.061).

8. Xiao, G.H†,*., He, P†., Zhao, P., Liu, H., Zhang, L., Pang, C.Y*., Yu, J.N*. Genome-wide identification of GhARF gene family reveals GhARF2 and GhARF18 are involved in cotton fiber cells initiation. Journal of Experimental Botany. (2018). 69: 4323-4337. (SCI: 2区,IF: 6.992).

9. Zhu, L.P., Dou, L.L., Shang, H.H., Li, H.B*., Yu, J.N*., Xiao, G.H*. GhPIPLC2D promotes cotton fiber elongation by enhancing ethylene biosynthesis. iScience. (2021). 24(3):102199.doi: 10.1016/j.isci.2021.102199. (SCI: 2区,IF: 5.454).

10. Xiao, G.H†,*., Zhao, P., Zhang, Y. A pivotal role of hormones in regulating cotton fiber development. Frontiers in Plant Science. (2019). 10:87. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2019.00087. (SCI: 2区,IF: 5.753).

11. Zhang, Y.Z†., He, P†., Yang, Z.R†., Huang, G., Wang, L.M., Pang, C.Y., Xiao, H., Zhao, P., Yu, J.N*., Xiao, G.H*. A genome-scale analysis of the PIN gene family reveals its functions in cotton fiber development. Frontiers in Plant Science. (2017). 8: 461. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2017.0046. (SCI: 2区,IF: 5.753).

12. Dou, L.L†., Li, Z.F†., Shen, Q†., Shi, H.R., Li, H.Z., Wang, W.B., Zou, C.S., Shang, H.H., Li, H.B., Xiao, G.H*. Genome-wide characterization of the WAK gene family and expression analysis under hormone treatment in cotton. BMC Genomics. (2021). 22: 85. doi.org/10.1186/s12864-021-07378-8. (SCI: 2区,IF: 3.969).

13. He, P†., Yang, Y., Wang, Z.H., Zhao, P., Yuan, Y., Zhang, L., Ma, Y.Q., Pang, C.Y., Yu, J.N., Xiao, G.H*. Comprehensive analyses of zinc finger proteins (ZFP) and characterization of expression profiles during plant hormone response in cotton. BMC Plant Biology. (2019). 19: 329. doi: 10.1186/s12870-019-1932-6. (SCI: 2区,IF: 4.215).

14. He, P†., Zhang, Y.Z†., Liu, H†., Yuan, Y., Wang, C., Yu, J.N*., Xiao, G.H*. Comprehensive analysis of WOX genes uncovers WOX13 is involved in phytohormone-mediated fiber development in cotton. BMC Plant Biology. (2019). 19: 312. doi: 10.1186/s12870-019-1892-x. (SCI: 2区,IF: 4.215).

15. He, P†., Wu, S.Y., Jiang, Y.L., Zhang, L.H., Tang, M.J., Xiao, G.H*., Yu, J.N*. GhYGL1d, a pentatricopeptide repeat protein, is required for chloroplast development in cotton. BMC Plant Biology. (2019). 19: 350. doi: 10.1186/s12870-019-1945-1. (SCI: 2区,IF: 4.215).

16. He, P†., Zhao, P†., Wang, L†., Zhang, Y., Wang, X., Xiao, H., Yu, J*., Xiao, G.H*. The PIN gene family in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum): genome-wide identification and gene expression analyses during root development and abiotic stress responses. BMC Genomics. (2017). 18: 507. doi:10.1186/s12864-017-3901-5. (SCI: 2区,IF: 3.969).

17. Liu, J.F†., Zhang, X.L†., Dou, L.L†., Li, W†., Zhou, X.J., Liu, Y.G., Pei, X.Y., Ren, Z.Y., Zhang, W.S., Li, H.Z., Wang, W.B., Zou, C.S., He, K.L., Zhang, F., Ma, W.Y., Shang, H.H., Li, H.B., Yang, D.G., Xiao, G.H*., Ma, X.F*. Patterns of presence-absence variants in Upland cotton. SCIENCE CHINA Life Sciences. (2020). 63: 1600-1603. (SCI: 1区,IF: 6.038).

18. He, P., Zhang, H.Z., Zhang, L., Jiang, B., Xiao, G.H*., Yu, J.N*. GhMAX2 gene regulates plant growth and fiber development in cotton. Journal of Integrative Agriculture. (2021). 20: 2-14. (SCI: 2区,IF: 2.848)

19. Dou, L.L†., Sun Y.R†., Li, S.Y., Ge, C.W., Shen, Q., Li, H.Z., Wang, W.B., Miao, J.Y., Xiao, G.H*., Pang, C.Y*. Transcriptomic analyses show that 24-epibrassinolide (EBR) promotes cold tolerance in cotton seedlings. PLoS One. (2021). 16(2):e0245070. (SCI: 3区,IF: 3.240).

20. Xiao, G.H†., Mei, W.Q., Zhu, Y.X*. Ethylene and VLCFA promote cotton fiber growth by stimulating Ca2+ ion influx and activation of several Ca2+ dependent protein kinases. SCINECE CHINA Life Sciences. (2013). 10: 886-896. (SCI: 1区,IF: 6.038).

21. Dou, L.L†., Lv, L.M†., Kang, Y.Y., Tian, R.J., Huang, D.Q., Li, J.Y., Li, S.Y., Liu, F.P., Cao, L.Y., Jin, Y.H., Liu, Y., Li, H.Z., Wang, W.B., Pang, C.Y., Shang, H.H., Zou, C.S., Song, G.L*., Xiao, G.H*. Genome-wide identification and expression analysis of theGhIQD gene family in upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutumL.). Journal of Cotton Research. (2021). 4: 4.

22. Liu, C.X†., Li, Z.F†., Dou, L.L†., Yuan, Y., Zou, C.S., Shang, H.H., Cui, L.J., Xiao, G.H*. A genome-wide identification of the BLH gene family reveals BLH1 is involved in cotton fiber development. Journal of Cotton Research. (2020). doi.org/10.1186/s42397-020-00068-y.

23. Li, F†., Fan, G†., Wang, K†., Sun, F†., Yuan, Y†., Song, G†., Ma, Z†., Li, Q†., Lu, C., Zou, C., Chen, W., Liang, X., Shang, H., Liu, W., Shi, C., Xiao, G.H., Gou, C., Ye, W., Xu, X., Zhang, X., Wei, H., Li, Z., Zhang, G., Wang, J., Liu, K., Kohel, R., Percy, R., Yu, J*., Zhu, Y*., Wang, J*., Yu, S*. Genome sequence of the cultivated cotton Gossypium arboreum. Nature Genetics. (2014). 46: 567-572. (SCI: 1区,IF: 38.330).

24. Liu, G†., Xiao, G.H., Liu, N., Liu, D., Chen, P., Qin, Y., Zhu, Y*. Targeted lipidomics studies reveal that linolenic acid promote cotton fiber elongation by activating phosphatidylinositol and phosphatidylinositol monophosphate biosynthesis. Molecular Plant. (2015). 6: 911-921. (SCI: 1区,IF: 13.164).

25. Li, Q†., Xiao, G.H., Zhu, Y*. Single-nucleotide resolution mapping of the Gossypium raimondii transcriptome reveals a new mechanism for alternative splicing of introns. Molecular Plant. (2014). 7: 829-840. (SCI: 1区,IF: 13.164).

26. Wang, X†., Li, Q., Jin, X., Xiao, G.H., Liu, G., Liu, N., Qin, Y*. Quantitative proteomics and transcriptomics reveal key metabolic processes associated with cotton fiber initiation. Journal of Proteomics. (2015). 114: 16-27. (SCI: 2区,IF: 4.044).

27. He, P†., Huang, S†., Xiao, G.H., Zhang, Y.Z., Yu, J*. Abundant RNA editing sites of chloroplast protein-coding genes in Ginkgo biloba and an evolutionary pattern analysis. BMC Plant Biology. (2016). 16: 257. doi 10.1186/s12870-016-0944-8. (SCI: 2区,IF: 4.215).

28. Jin, X†., Pang, Y., Jia, F., Xiao, G.H., Li, Q., Zhu, Y*. A potential role for CHH DNA methylation in cotton fiber growth patterns. PLoS ONE. (2013). 8: e60547. (SCI: 3区,IF: 3.240).

29. Jin, X†., Li, Q., Xiao, G.H., Zhu, Y*. Using Genome-referenced EST Assembly to Analyze the Origin and Expression Patterns of Gossypium hirsutum transcripts. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology. (2013). 55: 576-585. (SCI: 3区,IF: 7.061).

30. Wang, Z.Y†., Li, W†., Xiao, G.H., Zhou, X.J., Pei, X.Y., Liu, Y.G., Zhou, K.H., He, K.L., Liu, J.F., Li, Y., Zhang, W.S., Ren, Z.Y., Meng, Q.Q., Wang, H.F., Ma, X.F*., Yang, D.G*. Genomic variation mapping and detection of novel genes based on a genome-wide survey of an elite Upland cotton hybrid (Gossypium hirsutum L.). Current Science. (2018). 115: 1-10. (SCI: 4区,IF: 1.102).