姓名:张小卉 |
职称/职务:教授 |
电话: |
传真: |
电子信箱:xhzhang@snnu.edu.cn |
研究方向: 1.毛茛目核心类群花部器官的个体发育研究; 2.被子植物花蜜腺结构及超微结构的研究,尤其关注花瓣形态多样性及其适应性研究; 3.雌蕊、雄蕊及配子体发育研究。 |
办公地点: |
1991年进入汉中师范学院生物系学习,2004年在西北大学获植物学专业硕士学位,2009年在买球的app官方平台入口获植物学专业博士学位。2010/07-2011/10 在加拿大萨斯喀彻温大学生物系做博士后研究,从事植物繁殖生物学的研究。近年研究工作主要集中在毛茛目花瓣多样性的个体发育成因的研究。主持国家自然科学基金2项、中央高校基金、教育部重点实验室开放基金、买球的app官方平台入口青年基金各一项,参加多项国家自然科学基金和横向课题的研究。在Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society、Journal of Systematics and Evolution、International Journal of Plant Science、 Plant Systematics and Evolution、 Flora、西北植物学报等国内外期刊发表论文30多篇,主编教材一部,参与编写专著两部。获得陕西省自然科学奖二等奖(2019年,第2人)、陕西高等学校科学技术一等奖(2018年,第2人)、买球的app官方平台入口第二届教师实验教学创新技能大赛三等奖(2017年)等奖项。
1. 毛茛目花瓣形态多样性的个体发育成因及起源方式研究(国家自然科学基金面上项目,主持人,31770203, 2018.01-2021.12,62万)
2. 毛茛目花瓣蜜腺的结构、发育及其特征研究(国家青年自然科学基金,主持人,31100141, 2012-2014年,23万)
3. 毛茛目花瓣的发育及起源研究(中央高校基金,主持人,GK201603067,2016-2018,7万)
4. 秦岭木通科药用植物资源的研究(教育部药用植物资源与天然药物重点实验室开放基金,主持人,2006-2009,3万)
5. 木通科基部类群的个体发育及系统学研究(买球的app官方平台入口校青年基金,主持人,2006-2008)
6. 基于基因组重测序数据的耧斗菜属无距性状的起源、演化历史及适应性研究(国家自然科学基金面上项目,第二参与人,31972859,2020-2023,59万)
7. 特意响应环境冷信号的DREB1/CBF类基因在十字花科植物中的演化及其抗冷功能的分化(国家自然科学基金面上项目,第二参与人,2020-2023,60万)
8. 特异响应冷胁迫的DREB1/CBF基因亚家族在陆生植物中的演化(国家自然科学基金青年项目,第四参与人,2014-2017,24万)
9. 基于核基因片段多态性的华北耧斗菜复合体系统发育研究(陕西省科技厅项目-自然科学基础研究计划项目,第二参与人,2016-2017,3万)
10. 水青树科,昆栏树科,连香树科和领春木科的形态,结构,发育和系统位置研究(国家自然科学基金面上项目,第三参与人,30640013, 2006-2007)
11. 国产毛茛科(广义)植物花的形态发育学研究 (国家自然科学基金面上项目,第三参与人,30370095,2004-2006)
1. 张小卉,肖娅萍. 2021. 秦岭植物学野外实习指导(第二版). 北京:科学出版社.
2.张小卉,肖娅萍. 2017. 秦岭植物学野外实习指导. 北京:科学出版社.
3. 慕小倩,李金钢主编. 2020.植物学家养成记.西安:西北农林科技大学出版社.(参编)
4.王玛丽等主编. 2007. 西安植物志. 西安:陕西科技出版社.(参编)
5. 任毅主编. 2002.长青国家级自然保护区动植物资源.西安:西北大学出版社.(参编)
1. Huang ZX, Zhang XH*. 2022. Floral nectaries and pseudonectaries in Eranthis (Ranunculaceae):petal development, micromorphology, structure and ultrastructure. Protoplasma https://doi.org/10.1007/s00709-022-01738-1
2. Han M, Zhu QQ, Sun L, Niu CY, Li Y, Wang N, Zhang XH*, Ren Y. 2022. Petal ontogeny, structure, and pollination system of four Aquilegia species in Midwest China. Flora 286:151987 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.flora.2021.151987
3. Wenjuan Li, Zixuan Huang, Meng Han, Yi Ren, Xiaohui Zhang*. 2021. Development and structure of four diferent stamens in Clematis macropetala (Ranunculaceae): particular emphasis on staminodes and staminal nectary. Protoplasma http://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s00709-021-01687-1
4. Shan Su, Liang Zhao, Yi Ren, Xiao-hui Zhang*. 2021. Diversity of petals in Berberidaceae: development,micromorphology, and structure of floral nectaries. Protoplasma 258 :905-922. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00709-021-01611-7
5. Zi-xuan Huang, Yi Ren, Xiao-hui Zhang*. 2021. Morphological and numerical variation patterns of floral organs in two species of Eranthis. Flora 151785 :276-277.
6.刘男,苏珊,张小卉*. 2021.木通科花瓣的发育、微形态及超微结构研究。买球的app官方平台入口学报(自然科学版)
7.黄子璇,刘平,薛成,张小卉*. 2021.獐耳细辛属重瓣川鄂獐耳细辛在陕西省的新分布.西北植物学报2021,41(9):1619-1620. doi:10.7606/j.issn.1000-4025.2021.09.1619
8.薛成,耿方东,康菊清,黄蕾,任毅,张小卉*. 2021.耧斗菜属长果耧斗菜在陕西省的新分布.西北植物学报,2021,41(8):1437-1438. doi:10.7606/j.issn.1000-4025.2021.08.1437
9. Cheng Xue, Fang-Dong Geng, Jiao-Jie Li, Dan-Qing Zhang, Fei Gao, Lei Huang, Xiao-Hui Zhang, Ju-Qing Kang, Jiang-Qiang Zhang, Yi Ren. 2021.Divergence in the Aquilegia ecalcarata complex is correlated with geography and climate oscillations: Evidence from plastid genome data. Molecular Ecology DOI: 10.1111/mec.16151
10. Fang-Dong Geng, Jing-He Xie, Cheng Xue, Li Sun, Jiao-Jie Li, Chen-Yu Niu, Lei Huang, Xiao-Hui Zhang, Ju-Qing Kang, Hong-Zhi Kong, Yi Ren, Jiang-Qiang Zhang. 2021. Loss of innovative traits underlies multiple origins of Aquilegia ecalcarata. Journal of Systematics and Evolution DOI: 10.1111/jse.12808.
11. Lei Huang, Fang-Dong Geng, Jing-Jing Fan, Wei Zhai, Cheng Xue, Xiao-Hui Zhang, Ju-Qing Kang, Yi Ren. Evidence for two types of Aquilegia ecalcarata and its implications for adaptation to new environments. Plant Diversity doi.org/10.1016/j.pld.2021.06.006
12. Hui-Yan Zhang, Xiao-Ling Yan, Shan Su, Yu-Qu Zhang, Yi Ren, Xiao-Hui Zhang*. 2020. Androecia development and staminodes diversity of Cocculus orbiculatus (Menispermaceae). Flora DOI: 10.1016/j.flora.2020.151573
13. Lu Wang, Xiao‐Ling Yan, Xiao‐Hui Zhang*, Yi Ren. 2019. Ovule morphogenesis and structure in Menispermaceae, focusing on the development of the single fertile ovule and its systematic significance. Journal of Systematics and Evolution. DOI: 10.1111/jse.12557
14. Jun-ru Wang, Xi Wang, Na Su, Qiu-jie Li, Xiao-hui Zhang, Yue-ping Ma, Liang Zhao, João Felipe Ginefra Tonie, Louis Ronse De Craene. 2020. Floral morphology and morphogenesis in Sanguisorba (Rosaceae): flower diversification despite petal reduction and spatial constraints. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 193: 47–63. DOI:10.1093/botlinnean/boaa009/5781887
15. Xi Wang, Jing-zhi Gong, Qiu-jie Li, Jun-ru Wang, Yue-ping Ma, Xiao-hui Zhang, Zhao-yang Chang, Jun Wen, Liang Zhao. 2019. Floral organogenesis of Prunus laurocerasus and P. serotina and its significance for the systematics of the genus and androecium diversity in Rosaceae. Botany, 97:71–84.
16. Xiao-hui Zhang*, Liang Zhao. 2018. Morphology, structure and ultrastructure of staminal nectary in Lamprocapnos (Fumarioideae, Papaveraceae). Flora 242:128–136.
17. Qiao juan Wang, Xiaoling Yan, Liang Zhao, Xiaohui Zhang*, Yi Ren. 2018. Comparative studies on petals structure, micromorphology and ultrastructure in two species of Stephania (Menispermaceae). Plant Systematics and Evolution, 304:911-921.
18. Jing-zhi Gong, Qiu-jie Li, Xi Wang, Yue-ping Ma, Xiao-hui Zhang, Liang Zhao, Zhao-yang Chang, Louis Ronse De Craene. 2018. Floral morphology and morphogenesis in Camptotheca (Nyssaceae), and its systematic significance. Annals of Botany, 121: 1411–1425.
19.张小卉,康菊清,肖娅萍. 2018. 新时期高等师范院校植物学野外实践课程面临的问题及挑战.生物学通报53(7):13-16.
20. Liang Zhao, Jing-zhi Gong, Xiao-hui Zhang, You-quan Liu, Xiao Ma, and Yi Ren. 2016. Floral organogenesis in Urophysa rockii, a rediscovered endangered and rare species of Ranunculaceae. Botany. 94: 215-224.
21. Liang Zhao, Julien B. Bachelier, Xiao-hui Zhang, and Yi Ren. 2016. Floral organogenesis in Dysosma versipellis (Berberidaceae)and its systematic implications. Botany, 94: 359-367.
22. Zhang xiao-hui, Ren yi, Huang Yongle, Zhang jisi, Li hui. 2015. Comparative studies on ovule development in Lardizabalaceae (Ranunculales). Flora 217:41-56.
23. Zhang xiao-hui, Sawhney Vipen K., Davis Arthur R. 2014. Annular floral nectary with oil-prodcing trichomes in salvia farinacea (Lamiaceae) : anatomy, histochemistry, ultrastructure, and significance. American journal of Botany 101(11) :1849-1867.
24. Zhang xiao-hui, Ren yi, Tian xian-hua. 2012. Microsporogenesis and megasporogenesis in Sinofranchetia (Lardizabalaceae). Flora 207:197-202.
25. Zhang xiao-hui, Ren yi. 2011. Comparative floral development in Lardizabalaceae (Ranunculales). Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 166:171–184.
26. Zhang xiao-hui, Ren yi, Tian xian-hua. 2009. Floral organogenesis of Sinofranchetia chinensis(Franch.) Hemsl. (Lardizabalaceae) and their systematic significance. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 160:82–92.
27. Zhang xiao-hui, Ren yi. 2008. Floral morphology and development of Sargentodaxa (Lardizabalaceae). International Journal of Plant Science 169(9): 1148-1158.
28.张小卉, 摆霞. 2011. 猫儿屎导管分子穿孔板新类型的发现。西北植物学报 2 :223-228.
29.张小卉. 2011. 木通科4属植物导管穿孔板的比较研究。植物研究31 (3):277-283.
30.张小卉,辜天琪,田先华,任毅. 2008. 陕西省萝藦科(Asclepiadaceae)一新记录属——吊灯花属(Ceropegia Linn. )西北植物学报28(2):0406-0407.
31. Chen Lu, Yi Ren, PK Endress, XianHua Tian, XiaoHui Zhang. 2007. Floral organogenesis in Tetracentron sinense (Trochodendraceae) and its systematic significance. Plant Systematics and Evolution 264: 183-193.
32. Ren Yi, Chen Lu, Tian XianHua, Zhang XiaoHui, Lu AnMin. 2007. Discovery of vessels in Tetracentron (Trochodendraceae) and its systematic significance. Plant Systematics and Evolution 267: 155–161.
33. Xiao-ling YAN, Yi REN, Xian-hua TIAN and Xiao-hui Zhang. 2007. Morphogenesis of pistillate flowers of Cercidiphyllum japonicum (Cercidiphylleceae). Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 49 (9): 1400–1408.
34. XianHua TIAN, L Zhao, Yi REN, and XiaoHui Zhang. 2007. Number of floral organs in Circaeaster agrestis (Circaeasteraceae) and possible homeosis among floral organs. Plant Systematics and Evolution 265: 259–265.
35.刘萍,宋磊,任毅,田先华,张小卉.2006. 铁筷子( 毛茛科) 营养器官的结构及其系统学意义. 西北植物学报 26 (11) :2208–2213.
36.宋春慧,任毅,田先华,张小卉. 2006. 黄三七(毛茛科)茎次生木质部导管穿孔板的研究. 云南植物研究28(2):157-161.
37. Zhang xiao-hui, Ren yi, Tian xian-hua, Pan li-zhu. 2005. Anatomical studies on Sinofranchetia chinensis(Franch.) Hemsl. (Lardizabalaceae) and their systematic significance. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 149(3):271-281.
38.张阿娟,任毅,田先华,张小卉. 2005. 类叶升麻(毛茛科)次生木质部管状分子的研究。西北植物学报25(12):2363-2370.
39.张小卉,任毅,田先华. 2004. 串果藤属叶的个体发育。西北植物学报24(2):316-319.
1. 陕西省自然科学奖二等奖. 2019年.毛茛目花器官形态发生发育及其演化式样.第2人.
2. 陕西高等学校科学技术一等奖. 2018年.毛茛目花器官形态发生发育及其演化式样.第2人.
3. 陕西省优秀科普作品. 2021.植物学家养成记.第4人.
4. 买球的app官方平台入口本科生优秀毕业论文指导. 2016-2017年.
5. 买球的app官方平台入口第二届教师实验教学创新技能大赛三等奖. 2017年.
6. 陕西省教学成果奖一等奖. 2013年. 秦岭生物学野外实践基地建设及学生实践能力培养模式创新. 第10人.