姓名:白成科 |
职称/职务:教授 |
电话:029-85310266 |
传真:029-85310623 |
电子信箱:baichengke@snnu.edu.cn |
研究方向:药用植物活性成分次生代谢及药材品质形成的分子机制 |
办公地点:格物楼2405 |
1. 主持买球的app官方平台入口重点教学改革项目,基于“课前探究+课中讨论+课后推文”专业课特色作业课堂教学模式创新研究,2019.01.01-2020.12.31,项目批号:19KT-JG17,2.0万元;
2. 主持买球的app官方平台入口教学改革项目,免费师范生翻转课堂教学创新模式的研究,2017.01.01-2018.12.31,1.0万元;
1. Meng Zhang, Bo Cao, Lingyu Che, Lianjin Liu, Yiyang Su, Xiaofang Zhou, Yumeng Lu, Guishuang Li*,Chengke Bai*. Post-harvest freezing injury reduces exterior quality of medicinal materialand promotes transformation from glycosides to aglycones inScutellaria baicalensis.Industrial Crops & Products,2023, 201:116915 (SCI 1区,IF:5.90)DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.indcrop.2023.116915
2. Bo Cao,Chengke Bai#, Kunyi Wu#, Ting La, Yiyang Su, Lingyu Che, Meng Zhang, Yumeng Lu, Pufan Gao, Jingjing Yang, Ying Xue, Guishuang Li. Tracing the future of epidemics: Coincident niche distribution of host animals and disease incidence revealed climate-correlated risk shifts of main zoonotic diseases in China. Glob Change Biol., 2023, 00:1–24. (SCI 1区TOP,IF:13.40,共同第一作者)DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/gcb.16708
3. Suying Hu,Wentao Wang,Caijuan Zhang, Wen Zhou, Pengdong Yan,Xiaoshan Xue, Qian Tian, Donghao Wang, Junfeng Niu, Shiqiang Wang, Yi Qiang,Chengke Bai, Langjun Cui, Xiaoyan Cao, Zhezhi Wang. Integrated transcriptomic and metabolomic profiles reveal anthocyanin accumulation inScutellaria baicalensispetal coloration. Industrial Crops & Products, 2023, 194:116144. (SCI 1区,IF:5.90)DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.indcrop.2022.116144
4. Ying Xue, Bo Cao, Hui Liang, Jingjing Yang, Pufan Gao, Mingce Mao, Guishuang Li,Chengke Bai#.Environmental shifts have important impacts on the functional traits and bioactive products of medicinal cropCornus officinalis. Industrial Crops & Products, 2021, 162: 113304(SCI 1区,IF:6.45)DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.indcrop.2021.113304
5.Chengke Bai, Pufan Gao, Bo Cao, Niping Zhao, Meng Zhang, Yumeng Lu, Pengtao Zhao, Baoshan Zhang, Ying Xue, Jingjing Yang, Hui Liang, Guishuang Li#.Development and optimization of novel processing methods of fruit extracts of medicinal cropCornus officinalis.Industrial Crops & Products, 2021,174: 114177(SCI 1区,IF:6.45)DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.indcrop.2021.114177
6. Waller DM#, Paulson AK, Richards JH, Alverson WS, Amatangelo KL,Chengke Bai, Johnson SE, Daijiang Li, Sonnier G, Toczydlowski RH. Functional trait data for vascular plant species from northeastern North America. Ecology, 2022, 103(1): e03527 (SCI 1区,IF:5.499)http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/ecy.3527.
7. FG Wang,AH Wang,CK Bai*,DM Jin,LY Nie,AJ Harris,L Che,JJ Wang,SY Li,L Xu. Genome size evolution of the extant lycophytes and ferns. Plant Diversity, 2022, 44: 141–152. DOI: http://10.1016/j.pld.2021.11.007 (*共同第一作者)
8.Chengke Bai,Jingjing Yang,Bo Cao,Ying Xue, Pufan Gao, Hui Liang, Guishuang Li#. Growth years and post-harvest processing methods have critical roles on the contents of medicinal active ingredients ofScutellaria baicalensis. Industrial Crops & Products, 2020, 158:112985 (SCI 1区,IF:5.65)DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.indcrop.2020.112985
9. Bo Cao,Chengke Bai*, Ying Xue, Jingjing Yang, Pufan Gao, Hui Liang, Linlin Zhang, Le Che,Juanjuan Wang, Jun Xu, Chongyang Duan, Mingce Mao, Guishuang Li. Wetlands rise and fall: Six endangered wetland species showed different patterns of habitat shift under future climate change[J]. Science of the Total Environment, 2020, 731: 138518 (SCI 1区,IF:7.80,共同第一作者)DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.138518
10. Bo Cao,Chengke Bai*,Kunyi Wu, Ying Xue, Jingjing Yang, fan Gao, Hui Liang, Guishuang Li. Concentrated conservation and utilization: Four medicinal crops for diabetes treatment showed similar habitat distribution patterns in China[J]. Industrial Crops & Products, 2020,152:112478 (SCI 1区,IF:5.80,*共同第一作者)DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.indcrop.2020.112478
11. Jingjing Yang, Bo Cao, Ying Xue, Hui Liang, Yongmei Wu, Niping Zhao, Danni Hu, Pufan Gao, Guishuang Li,Chengke Bai*.The medicinal active ingredients and their associated key enzyme genes are differentially regulated at different growth stagesCornus officinalisandCornus controversa[J]. Industrial Crops & Products,2019, 142: 111858. (SCI 1区,IF:5.80)DOI: https: // doi.org/10.1016/j.indcrop. 2019.111858.
12. Qiang Hou,Shehzadi Saima, Hong Ren, Khawar Ali,Chengke Bai,Guang Wu, Guishuang Li#. Less conserved LRRs Is important for BRI1 folding [J]. Front Plant Sci., 2019, 10:634 (SCI 2区,IF:4.00)
13.Bai Chengke *,Wu Yongmei, Cao Bo, Xu Jun, Li Guishuang. De novo transcriptome assembly based on RNA-seq and dynamic expression of key enzyme genes in loganin biosynthetic pathway ofCornus officinalis[J]. Tree Genetics & Genomes, 2018, 14:57
14Bai Chengke *, Xu Jun, Cao Bo, Li Guishuang. Transcriptomic analysis and dynamic expression of genes reveal avonoid synthesis inScutellaria viscidula[J]. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 2018, 40:161
15. Cao B,Bai C#, Zhang L, et al. Modeling habitat distribution of Cornus officinalis with Maxent modeling and fuzzy logics in China[J]. Journal of Plant Ecology, 2016, Doi: 10.1093/jpe/rtw009
16. Zhang L, Cao B, Bai C#, et al. Predicting suitable cultivation regions of medicinal plants with Maxent modeling and fuzzy logics: a case study ofScutellaria baicalensis, in China[J]. Environmental Earth Sciences, 2016, 75(5):1-12.
17.Chengke Bai*, Bo Cao, Guishuang Li, Mingce Mao. Ecological effects on phenotypic, cytological and biochemical diversity ofCornus officinalisgermplasm resources in China and USA. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology, 2014, 55:241-248
18. CAO Bo, ZHANG Lin-lin,BAI Cheng-ke*. Estimation of nuclear DNA content by flow cytometry inCornus officinalis. Chinese Herbal Medicines, 2014, 6(2): 152-158
19.Bai Chengke, Wen Miaomiao, Zhang Longjin, Li Guishuang*. Genetic diversity and sampling strategy ofScutellaria baicalensisgermplasm resources based on ISSR. Genet Resour Crop Evol., 2013, 60:1673–1685
20. Linlin Zhang, Bo Cao andChengke Bai*. New reports of nuclear DNA content for 66 traditional Chinese medicinal plant taxa in China. Caryologia: International Journal of Cytology, Cytosystematics and Cytogenetics, 2013,66(4):375–383
21.Bai CK, Alverson W S, Follansbee A, Waller MD*. New reports of nuclear DNA content for 407 vascular plant taxa from the United States. Ann Bot., 2012, 110: 1623-1629.
22. Guishuang Li,Longjin Zhang,ChengkeBai*. Chinese Cornus officinalis: genetic resources, genetic diversity and core collection. Genet Resour Crop Evol,2012,59: 1659–1671
2.韩琳,白成科*(通讯作者).高中生物学因材施教教学模式的构建及应用研究[J]. 中学生物教学,2020,2:9-11
6.石真真,白成科#.高中生物有关主动运输的几点释疑[J].中学生物教学,2015, 5:49-52
1.白成科,王喆之,高晓军,李桂双,任玉荣,闫伟,肖军,陆亚民,崔浪军,强毅,宋双红,高普凡.中国标准:黄芩生产技术规程, DB 61/T 1394-2020, 陕西省农业农村厅, 2021-02-01
2.白成科,王喆之,薛颖,杨晶晶,李隆云,袁晓兵,韩凤,郭杰,胡开治,邹宗成,魏建和,王文全,王秋玲,杨小玉,辛元尧,王苗苗。中国标准:玄参规范化生产技术规程, T/CACM 1374.55-2021, 中华中医药学会, 2021-10-25 (标准)
3.王志芬,王宪昌,韩金龙,曾燕,李进瞳,王继永,谢晓亮,林慧彬,王建华,张立伟,乔永刚,白成科,徐荣,王胜升,魏建和,王文全,王秋玲。中国标准:黄芩规范化生产技术规程, T/CACM 1374.138-2021, 中华中医药学会, 2021-10-15
2.王喆之,白成科,张志勤,关锰,王敬民,王炳利,高晓军,于振秦,高晓军,吕辉生,刘晓峰,王志友.“山茱萸石磙枣 1 号”新品种通过陕西省林业厅林木新品种审定委员会的新品种审定,审定号QLS075-J05 3-2007.