姓名:贺军民 |
职称/职务:教授 |
电话:13909227799 |
传真: |
电子信箱:hejm@snnu.edu.cn |
研究方向:1. 植物细胞信号转导; 2.植物生殖生理; 3. 植物生理生态 |
办公地点:格物楼3432 |
科研成果概述:先后在《Plant Physiology》、《Plant Journal》、《Journal of Experimental Botany》、《Physiologia Plantarum》、《Plant Science》和《Functional Plant Biology》等国内外核心以上刊物上发表研究论文70余篇;主持和参加国家级及省部级科研项目20余项;获陕西省教育厅和陕西省科学院科技进步一等奖各一次,获陕西省科学技术二等奖二次。
1. Feng-Chen Li, Jing Wang, Mi-Mi Wu, Cai-Ming Fan, Xuan Li, Jun-Min He*(贺军民). Mitogen-activated protein kinase phosphatases affect UV-B-induced stomatal closure via controlling NO in guard cells. Plant Physiology, 2017, 173:760-770. (IF: 6.838) (通讯作者)
2. Teng-Yue Zhang, Feng-Chen Li, Cai-Ming Fan, Xuan Li, Fang-Fang Zhang, Jun-Min He*(贺军民). Role and interrelationship of MEK1-MPK6 cascade, hydrogen peroxide and nitric oxide in darkness-induced stomatal closure. Plant Science, 2017, 262:190-199.(IF: 3.694) (通讯作者)
3. Xiao-Min Ge, Hong-Li Cai, Xue Lei, Xue Zhou, Ming Yue, Jun-Min He* (贺军民). Heterotrimeric G protein mediates ethylene-induced stomatal closure via hydrogen peroxide synthesis in Arabidopsis. The Plant Journal, 2015, 82(1): 138-150. (IF: 6.815)(通讯作者)
4. Yan Zhu, Xiao-Min Ge, Mi-Mi Wu, Xuan Li, Jun-Min He*(贺军民). The role and interactions of cytosolic alkalization and hydrogen peroxide in ultraviolet B-induced stomatal closure in Arabidopsis. Plant Science, 2014, 215– 216: 84– 90. (IF: 4.114)(通讯作者)
5. Xiao-Min Ge, Yan ZhuA and Jun-Min He*(贺军民). Cytosolic alkalisation and nitric oxide production in UVB-induced stomatal closure in Arabidopsis thaliana. Functional Plant Biology, 2014, 43(8): 803-811. (IF: 2.569)(通讯作者)
6. Jun-Min He* (贺军民), Xian-Ge Ma, Ying Zhang, Tie-Feng Sun, Fei-Fei Xu, Yi-Ping Chen, Xiao Liu, Ming Yue. Role and interrelationship of Ga protein, hydrogen peroxide, and nitric oxide in ultraviolet B-induced stomatal closure in Arabidopsis leaves. Plant Physiology, 2013, 161(3): 1570-1583. (IF: 7.054)(通讯作者)
7. Yi-ping Chen, Ran Li, Jun-Min He (贺军民). Magnetic field can alleviate toxicological effect induced by cadmium in mungbean seedlings. Ecotoxicology, 2011, 20(4):760-769. (IF: 3.051)
8. Jun-Min He (贺军民), Zhan Zhang, Rui-Bin Wang, Yi-Ping Chen. 2011. UV-B-induced stomatal closure via ethylene-dependent NO generation in broad bean. Functional Plant Biology,2011, 38(4), 293-302. (IF: 2.156)(通讯作者)
9. Junmin He(贺军民), Xiaozhen Yue, Ruibin Wang and Yan Zhang. Ethylene mediates UV-B-induced stomatal closure via peroxidase-dependent hydrogen peroxide synthesis in Vicia faba L. Journal of Experimental Botany, 2011, 62(8):2657-2666. (IF: 4.818)(通讯作者)
10. Yan Zhang, Junmin He(贺军民), Lee D, McCormick S. Interdependence of Endomembrane Trafficking and Actin Dynamics during Polarized Growth of Arabidopsis Pollen Tubes. Plant Physiology, 2010, 152: 2200-2210. (IF:6.451)
11. Yan Zhang, Junmin He(贺军民), McCormick. Two Arabidopsis AGC kinases are critical for the polarized growth of pollen tubes. Plant Journal, 2009, 58:474-484. (IF:6.946)
12. Jun-Min He(贺军民), Xiao-Ling Bai, Rui-Bin Wang, Bing Cao, Xiao-Ping She. The involvement of nitric oxide in ultraviolet-B-inhibited pollen germination and tube growth of Paulownia tomentosa in vitro. Physiologia Plantarum, 2007, 131:273-282. (IF: 2.703)(通讯作者)
13. Xi-Gui Song, Xiao-Ping She, Jun-Min He(贺军民), Chen Huang and Tu-sheng Song. Cytokinin- and auxin-induced stomatal opening involves a decrease in levels of hydrogen peroxide in guard cells of Vicia faba. Functional Plant Biology, 2006, 33, 573–583.
14. Jun-Min He(贺军民), Zhi-Hui Lu, Han Xu, Xiao-Ping She, Chen Huang. The involvement of hydrogen peroxide in UV-B-inhibited pollen germination and tube growth of Paeonia suffruticosa and Paulownia tomentosa in vitro. Plant Growth Regulation, 2006, 49:199-208. (IF: 1.498)(通讯作者)
15. Jun-Min He(贺军民), Hua Xu, Xiao-Ping She, Xi-Gui Song and Wen-Ming Zhao。The role and the interrelationship of hydrogen peroxide and nitric oxide in the UV-B-induced stomatal closure in broad bean. Functional Plant Biology, 2005, 32: 237–247. (IF: 2.075)
16. She Xiao-Ping, Song Xi-Gui, He Jun-Min(贺军民). Role and interrelationship of nitric oxide and hydrogen peroxide in light/dark regulated stomatal movement in Vicia faba. Acta Botanica Sinica, 2004, 46(11):1292-1300.